Yes, Its really free!

Hey guys! One thing I really enjoy is... FREE STUFF! This is the very first website that I received free products from and it has a special place in my heart. I heard about this program when I was pregnant with my second son Brantley in a facebook mom group that I was admining at the time called July and August 2016 Mommies. A mom posted that she just signed up to test out a free kid toy and my mind was blown! So I head over to the website and sign up also and I was chosen to test out THREE children toys! The best part?? I got to KEEP the products just because I was going to review them! Insane, I know, But it's for real I promise. This website does 2 "campaigns" a year with a couple different items to choose from. The amazing products that I personally have tested and reviewed are


So the next question you have is "How do I join?" Well at this very moment you are not able to just go and sign up BUT you can send them a message by going to their website and by using the contact us tab sending a message asking to be sent an invitation. A friend of mine did this recently and she was sent a invitation. 

Once you become a member you will receive emails when there is products to review! There is no need to go and check this website every day because if you a picked they let you know! 
Don't forget to submit your review after you use the product! If you do not review the products that was sent to you, they will not pick you for the next campaign. Have any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments!


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