Too close to the flame

Too Close to the Flame by Dr. Gregg Jantz is a book about a very touchy subject. Sex. Not many of us feel comfortable talking about any intimate subject but this Author knows that someone has to do it and who better than a man of God. You see when I originally got this book I was not sure what to expect and thought that maybe it was just for teenagers or someone just straight telling me "DON'T HAVE SEX" but this is not reality. I had a very traumatic event take place nearly a year ago, age 25. My boss would make sexual jokes and I wouldn't draw the line and let him know just how uncomfortable I was. When he realized that I "was okay with it" he went further and continued to make jokes and passes towards me. This was all unwanted attention. I was afraid to lose my job and didn't want to make him angry and get fired. Im ashamed of what eventually happened but he is a very bad man. If I would have read this book during my teen years maybe I could have avoided so much anxiety and stress. This book is more of guide through situations that are very hard to swim through alone. I do not want to tell you all what all is in this book because in all honesty you really should read it, then donate it to your church library so everyone else can read it and share it with a teen in your life. 


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