Hey guys, Chelsea here! I recently started using wild Alaskan salmon Oil in both of my dog’s food. “Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil has been recommended by veterinarians for cats and dogs of all ages, sizes, breeds and activity levels. Adding TerraMax Pro's Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil as a treat to your cat or dog food helps support healthy skin, coat, joints, cardiovascular health, nervous system and the development and maintenance of the brain, eyes and immune system. It may also help promote weight loss and help reduce certain allergies and yeast infections” The point of me trying it was to improve my little girl’s coat. I felt so bad that I couldn’t help her stop itching! She had dandruff so bad that I had to clean off my couches daily and she started to scratch herself raw. I tried bathing her with many different shampoos and I tried rubbing her down with a ton of different “magic” cure oils and creams and only seen a small improvement... But she was still misera...
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